The change you are making could be in design, planning, or implementation. Regardless, you are making the change. Getting stuck? We work with you to move from the current to the next stage. Step by step. We start where you are at. Our 9-step process is there to support your specific voyage. The destination is to succeed. Check your progress against our process and charter your course.
The CHANGEMAKER℠ is for you if you are experiencing:
Shortage of capacity to deliver outcomes
Capability gaps
A range of projects & activities, each carrying cost, of which the status is unclear
Innovation is needed but not clear where, how & what
Deadlines, results and outcomes are missed
Pinpoint the people, process and technology issues keeping you becalmed. Where are you now, where do you want to go? What's the shortest route to your future business?
Design consists of 3 steps:


In visioning, the unique Business Destination Map® interactively details the ‘to be’, the ‘as is’ and the actions needed to bridge the gap between the situation you’re in now and the future. The starting point is agreeing on key statements. Which are: the enterprise purpose, the vision and the single goal to be attained for the specific time period.
Next, our unique Objective Setting process ensures the clear definition of measurable objectives that deliver what the goal and vision statements require. The objectives are defined as balanced scorecard results or KPIs. A further three-year financial target ladder test the objectives’ feasibility and provides for the first level of change that is required to achieve the goal and vision.
With the future view clearly defined, we move into analytics, using the business model canvas, PESTEL, SWOT, and business maturity to create a 360˚view of ‘what is' and ‘what should be’.
Define your best journey and list what is needed to reach the gap between now and your business future.
Plan includes 3 steps:

Based on the information we mapped in Phase 1, we get traction by defining the tasks that must deliver the ‘to be’ of your enterprise. Here we define the activities needed to reach the destination, those ‘extra’ focus areas to elevate the business to its goal, vision, and purpose. If already defined, we review, and if not, we define those actions that will require project and change management to gain the traction needed for results. These are further defined into time-linked sets of deliverables, or project plans in other words: tasks, resources, and schedules.
To effectively roll out change, our proven business X-ray system, the Positioning Map, provides a single view of the processes, people, and systems that drive the business. This ‘X-ray’ provides for instant analysis and identification of processes that could deliver results at an accelerated rate, providing for that ROI within weeks.
A. Describe the activities of the organisation. For each activity, list the processes that generate the results. Assign an accountable person to each process.
B. Circle each of the processes that should change to deliver the results defined in Step 1.
C. Check that the changes needed are incorporated into the Strategy.
In less than two hours we verify the Strategy and move into implementation mode.
We work with you to ensure that change sticks and becomes embedded in the culture and people’s behaviour.
Implement involves 3 steps:

The aim is to gain traction and attain clarity for all who are involved effectively. The process approach is the most effective way in which to define what is, what should be, who does what, and what the change means iro roles, responsibilities, systems and outcomes. With ‘what needs to be done’ defined and scheduled, we embark on the change, using project management integrated with change management.
A. For each of the elements in your strategy, we create the tasks and assign the resources to deliver the results.
B. We choose the best project management approach, e.g. agile, waterfall, scrum.
C. We build change communication and engagement into your project plan.
D. We implement the project using the common stages of conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, and project close. On budget and on time.
E. The work produces improved process, people deployment, and systems that fit the requirement of your to-be business
F. Improvement and change sticks through a continued improvement mindset, facilitated through effective tracking and outcomes measurement.

In the last part of the Change Maker Guideline, you need an effective dashboard or navigation system that provides forward and backward-looking information with which to manage the route to achieving milestones, delivering results, and achieving the goal, which is part and parcel of ROI measurement. The information needed to measure with is defined in each process and used for KPI and OKR dashboards.

The Challenge
Operating system upgrade was stalling due to resistance to change
Clear lack of cooperation from the business units affected by the upgrade

What we did
'Super users' were appropriated for each business area
Regular newsletters to share information on progress
Senior managers were engaged to ensure the project was given priority

The Outcome
User resistance to the project changes were drastically reduced
Resulted in a successful delivery of the project with the upgrade completed ahead of time

The client said...
"We thank you for saving the project and ensuring that the project implementation succeeded with minimal pain and resistance. Improving the understanding of the users made all the difference in the level of cooperation".
Case Study